A Thousand Clouds of Peace

A Thousand Clouds of Peace is a 2003 romantic drama film written and directed by Julin Hernndez. Its original Spanish title is Mil nubes de paz cercan el cielo, amor, jams acabars de ser amor and alternative titles for it are A Thousand Clouds of Peace Fence the Sky, Love Your Being Love Will Never End and A Thousand Peace Clouds Encircle the Sky.

Movie review website Rotten Tomatoes gave A Thousand Clouds of Peace a rotten rating ofbased on eight reviews. Metacritic gave it a generally negative rating ofbased onreviews.In 2003 the film won the Teddy Award for Best Feature Film at the Berlin International Film Festival as well as the awards for Best First Work at the Lima Latin American Film Festival. In 2004 it won the Silver Ariel at the Ariel Awards in Mexico. ........

Source: Wikipedia